Getting your content posted and re-posted online is not the easiest task in the world. With so much more content being posted daily, you probably find it hard to be noticed over all the noise.
Think for a minute how your customers feel – they’re bombarded every second with ads for this and ads for that, it’s almost impossible to get their attention, let lone get them to share your content.
Here’s a few strategies you can use to get yourself heard and get your customers sharing your content all year round.
Some of them might seem quite simple, but I guarantee you that sometimes the simple strategies are the most effective.
You don’t need to try all of them – just the ones you feel might work for your product or service.
Promote an Evergreen Hashtag
When we first started using social media, we posted topics on anything and everything. This led to a huge surge in new followers whilst at the same time leaking previous followers.
This is because people or accounts generally follow you for a reason. What you tweet about. If you keep changing up what you tweet with great frequency, you’ll keep losing valuable followers and they’ll no longer share your content.
It may seem like an obvious topic, but posting evergreen content with evergreen hashtags will always get your content shared. People like to read popular content and are more likely to share it, if they feel other people will like it.
This is a continuous cycle if the content can be shared today, tomorrow, and next year.
Here are some useful sites that show you popular hashtags. Try and choose the ones that best represent your brand and have that evergreen topic.
25 Most Popular Instagram Hashtags For Getting NEW Followers
Top 100 HashTags on Instagram
Where possible, try and place your popular hashtags in any communication you send out to existing or prospective clients. The more your clients see them, the more they’ll use them.
Run Contests & Incentivise Participation
Running contests and competitions is as old as the hills. However online, this strategy still works quite well. It’s the one single strategy that allows real engagement with your followers.
Ask them to post their favourite pictures or videos on a topic and ask them to share it. This is popular since everyone likes to share, especially when they are sharing content they originally posted.
There’s also a sense of real community when you run these contests, since your followers will likely like and share someone else’s content and vice versa.
Related: How Much Should I Pay Someone to Manage My Social Media?
Celebrate your Customers on your Owned Media
Large brands use this neat trick on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Showcasing your clients using your products and using their photos and videos on different social media platforms is more likely to be shared by them.
In fact, most of your clients will feel honored and will really appreciate that you took the time out to use their photo or video on these platforms.
Not only will this content be shared, it’s likely to strike up several conversations between your clients and their friends and family. This is similar to referral marketing but on a more subtle scale. You see make-up brands and clothing brands use this strategy a lot (…because it works really well).
[bctt tweet=”4 Ways To Get Customers Posting More Content About Your Brand” username=”XenmediaM”]
Produce Industry Related Infographics
Infographics are pictures that convey information on any given topic. They’re extremely popular at the moment and are the most shared pictures on Twitter at any time of the day or night.
Not only are they visually appealing to look at, they can basically summarise a whole block of text in one single picture.
Places where you can get an infographic made:
Canva Infographic Maker
If you don’t feel like making an infographic yourself, you can have one professionally made by:
[bctt tweet=”4 Ways To Get Customers Posting More Content About Your Brand” username=”XenmediaM”]
So, there’s a few ideas you can try to get your content shared more by your customers. Hopefully you have a really good relationship with your customers and they’d love to promote your content willingly.
Out of all the strategies out there at the moment, we find the infographic method the most effective and appealing to our clients. producing really good quality infographics in your niche will show that you are a leader and even your peers will use these graphics in their content posts.
4 Ways To Get Customers Posting More Content About Your Brand #contentmarketing #inboundmarketing #makeyourownlane
— XenmediaMarketing (@XenmediaM) February 17, 2017