If you thought that the advent of video was starting to slow down, you’d be wrong…

As reported by Techcrunch, Instagram is now testing a way to allow users to tag their friends in their video posts – something that was previously only available with images.

Not only is this another way to increase distribution, it is also likely to increase engagement with your Instagram content.

As explained by TechCrunch:

The option works similarly to tagging photos, but instead of pressing the small icon at the bottom left to see the list of tagged names appear over top of the content – something that would be more difficult with videos – the button links to a list of tagged people. When you tap this button, you’re directed to a new page titled “People in this Video” with all the Instagram users who have either appeared in the video, or who the original poster wants to alert in some way.”

Instagram Tests Video Tagging Feature

Tagging works the same way on most social media platforms by way of adding somebody’s account handle (normally their username) which then alerts them of your post by sending a notification.

Unfortunately, some people have taken this a little bit too far and constantly tag the same people on multiple posts. Not only does this annoy these people, it can also be seen as spamming.

However, when you do this strategically, it’s a really good way to get your content seen by certain people who may not ordinarily have seen your post.

Previously, you were able to tag people in your comments but this new feature will provide a more integrated option.

Like most new features on Instagram, this will only be a limited test and the platform is not saying whether this will be rolled out to all users in the near feature.

Xenmedia’s Take:

I think Instagram Instagram introduced this to ensure that the comment section is for comments only and is not being littered with usernames.

The same thing can also be said for hashtags – loading up the comments section with several hashtags no longer works and it’s an old strategy that isn’t really worth doing anymore.

In fact, Instagram recommended only using 3 or 4 hashtags, meaning additional hashtags will probably be ignored by the algorithm.

About the Author

Des Dreckett

Des Dreckett is the eCommerce and growth Marketing Director of XenMediamarketing.co.uk: a writer, blogger and a paid media specialist.

Writing content to help you grow and build your business.

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