
Updated: 8.7.23

Ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering why writing a good piece of content feels like it’s taking forever?

You’re not alone.

It’s a common challenge that writers worldwide face – that nagging sensation of the clock ticking faster while the words seem to be stuck in a slow dance.

The process of content creation, with its various facets – research, writing, refining, finalising – often feels like a marathon with no finish line in sight.

Add the strain of looming deadlines to this mix, and you’ve got a recipe for stress and uncertainty.

But what if we told you there’s a way to untangle this knot?

Picture a world where your writing process is streamlined, where you know the time each project will demand, and you can manage your schedule without breaking a sweat.

Imagine delivering engaging, high-quality content without the constant race against time, a world where deadlines become your allies rather than adversaries.

Well, it’s time to turn that vision into reality.

In this guide, we’ll unpack the time it takes to craft quality content and arm you with handy tips to navigate the content creation process more efficiently.

Let’s dive in and write our way to a more productive future.

How Long Does It Really Take to Write Content For Your New Website?

How Long Does It Really Take to Write Content For Your New Website
Stage of Content CreationDescriptionTime Taken: Experienced WriterTime Taken: Inexperienced Writer
Department Meetings for Topic ApprovalDiscussing and deciding the topic of the content0.5 Hours2 Hours
Content Research & OutlineGathering information on the topic and planning the structure of the content1 Hour2 Hours
Write/ProduceActual writing or production of the content2 Hours4 Hours
Department ReviewsReview and feedback session with team or client0.5 Hours2 Hours
RevisionsIncorporating feedback and refining the content1 Hour2 Hours
Total TimeThe sum of time spent on all stages5 Hours12 Hours
Estimated Time Taken to Create Quality Content: Experienced vs. Inexperienced Writer

The Variables of Writing Time

Several factors can influence the time taken to craft a quality piece of content. Here, we’ll consider the most influential ones.

Writer’s Experience

Experience is a significant factor. A beginner writer may need 3-4 hours to craft a 1,000-word article, while an experienced writer can achieve the same task in 1-2 hours or even less.

Similarly, a long blog post can take an experienced writer about 3 hours, but a high-quality post may require double the time.

This is because experienced writers have honed their writing speed and efficiency over time.

Topic Expertise

Topic familiarity can also impact the writing time. Someone well-versed in a topic can write about it much quicker than someone who needs to do extensive research first.

Writing a 500-word blog post on a familiar topic can take less than an hour for some writers, while others may need several hours if they’re not as familiar with the subject matter.

Client’s Requirements

Client requirements can add time to the writing process, too. If a client asks for numerous references, specific formatting, or has particular stylistic requests, this can prolong the writing process.

Content Type and Length

Lastly, the type and length of the content can affect the writing time. A 500-word blog post won’t take as long to write as a 5,000-word in-depth guide.

As a rule of thumb, the longer the content, the longer the writing time.

Related: 9 Tips for Creating a Content Calendar

Average Time to Write a Piece of Content

Short Content: Blogs and Articles

For most marketers, writing a 500-word blog post takes 1-2 hours. However, this timeframe can vary depending on the writer’s experience, familiarity with the topic, and the complexity of the content.

Longer Content: In-Depth Articles and Guides

For Beginners

For novices, writing longer content pieces, which are about 2,000-5,000 words, can take up to 20-25 hours.

If we take into account research, editing, and finding and adding visuals, the entire process of creating a quality piece of content can range from two to three weeks.

For Experienced Writers

On the other hand, experienced writers can craft 2,000-5,000 words content pieces in 3-9 hours.

The addition of research, editing, and finding and adding visuals may extend this process, but usually not as much as with beginners.


And there we have it!

We’ve navigated the intricate world of content creation timing, tackling the question, “How long does it take to write a quality piece of content?”

As we’ve seen, it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario but depends on a myriad of factors including your writing experience, familiarity with the topic, and the nature and length of the content.

We also explored some practical ways to become more efficient in our writing process, such as establishing a solid writing routine, honing research skills, and using digital writing tools to our advantage.

Implementing these strategies can make the process of writing feel less like a labyrinth and more like a well-marked path.

We even spruced up a handy time allocation table to help you visualise the time taken for each stage of content creation by both experienced and novice writers.

This tool can be a game-changer when planning your writing schedule.

So, as you venture forth in your writing journey, remember that producing engaging, top-notch content is indeed an art – an art that requires time and patience.

But with strategic planning and efficient practices, you can create impressive content and meet your deadlines. Here’s to writing better and faster!


How does the specific writing environment influence the content creation time?

The environment in which you write can significantly impact the time it takes to create content. A distraction-free environment fosters focus, which leads to increased productivity and efficiency. A cluttered or noisy environment, on the other hand, can cause frequent interruptions, which breaks your flow and extends the writing time. Therefore, it’s beneficial to create a dedicated writing space that encourages concentration and creativity.

How does the writer’s physical and mental well-being impact the writing time?

The writer’s physical and mental well-being plays a crucial role in determining the writing time. If a writer is well-rested and in good health, they are likely to be more productive and efficient, leading to a shorter writing time. Conversely, if a writer is tired, stressed, or unwell, their ability to focus and produce quality content might be impaired, leading to longer writing times. It’s essential to maintain a balanced lifestyle and take care of your health to optimise your writing efficiency.

Does the time of day affect writing efficiency and speed?

Yes, the time of day can significantly affect a writer’s efficiency and speed. Some writers might find their productivity peaks in the morning, while others may work best at night. This phenomenon, often linked to an individual’s circadian rhythm or “body clock,” determines their most productive hours. By understanding their peak productivity times, writers can schedule their most challenging writing tasks during these periods, leading to enhanced efficiency and faster writing speeds.

About the Author

Des Dreckett

Des Dreckett is the eCommerce and growth Marketing Director of XenMediamarketing.co.uk: a writer, blogger and a paid media specialist.

Writing content to help you grow and build your business.

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