Lasted updated: 1.6.23

Are you finding it difficult to keep up with the rapid advancements in technology, particularly the rise of voice search?

You’re not alone.

Many businesses are grappling with the challenge of adapting to this new way of searching, which is becoming increasingly popular due to the convenience and hands-free nature it offers users.

The problem is, if your business isn’t optimised for voice search, you could miss out on many potential customers.

Imagine a customer asking their smart speaker for a product or service you offer, but your business doesn’t show up in the results.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

But what if there was a way to adapt to this new trend and use it to your advantage?

Imagine a future where your business is the first one that pops up when a potential customer uses voice search.

A future where you attract more customers, increase your sales and stay ahead of your competitors. Well, that future is within your reach.

By understanding the impact of voice search on different industries, current trends, and practical optimisation tips, you can prepare your business for the future of voice search.

This article will guide you through these aspects, helping you turn the challenge of voice search into an opportunity for growth.

Voice Search and Local SEO

The Relationship Between Voice Search and Local SEO

Voice search and local SEO are intrinsically linked, with the rise of one directly influencing the evolution of the other.

As voice search technology becomes more sophisticated and widely adopted, its impact on local SEO is becoming increasingly significant.

Why is this the case?

When people use voice search, they often ask specific, location-based questions. For instance, they might ask, “Where’s the nearest Italian restaurant?” or “What time does the local supermarket close?

These queries are inherently local, and the answers are typically drawn from local search results.

This is where local SEO comes into play. Local SEO optimises a business’s online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches.

When a business has optimised its local SEO, it’s more likely to appear in these voice search results.

This is because search engines, like Google, aim to provide users with the most relevant and accurate information. If your business information is optimised for local SEO, it’s more likely to be considered relevant and accurate for these local voice search queries.

How Businesses Can Use Voice, Search to Improve Local SEO

Businesses can leverage voice search to boost their local SEO in several ways.

Firstly, they can optimise their content for voice search. This involves using a more conversational language that mirrors the way people speak.

It also involves using long-tail keywords, which are longer, more specific keyword phrases.

These long-tail keywords often mimic people’s queries when conducting a voice search. For example, instead of targeting a short keyword like “Italian restaurant,” a business might target a long-tail keyword like “best Italian restaurant for a family dinner in London.”

Secondly, businesses can ensure their business information is accurate and up-to-date on Google My Business and other online directories.

This is crucial because voice search devices rely on this information to respond accurately to users. If your business’s name, address, phone number, and hours of operation are incorrect or outdated, it could lead to missed opportunities.

Moreover, businesses can also include local information in their content, such as landmarks or popular local events.

This can help search engines better understand the business’s location and increase the chances of appearing in local voice search results.

In conclusion, the relationship between voice search and local SEO is symbiotic. As voice search continues to grow, businesses that take the time to optimise their local SEO for voice search stand to reap substantial benefits.

Impact of Voice Search on Different Industries

Voice Search in the Retail Industry

In the retail industry, voice search is not just a trend but a game-changer. It’s transforming how customers shop, making the process more interactive, convenient, and personalised.

Customers can now use voice commands to search for products, ask for product reviews, compare prices, and even make purchases.

For instance, a customer might say, “Alexa, find me the best price for Nike running shoes,” the voice assistant will search the web to provide the best options.

This shift towards voice shopping has led to an increase in voice-activated shopping systems. Retailers are integrating voice search capabilities into their websites and mobile apps, making it easier for customers to shop without lifting a finger.

This hands-free shopping experience particularly appeals to customers who value convenience and efficiency.

Voice Search in the Entertainment Sector

The entertainment sector is also experiencing a seismic shift due to voice search. Users can now use voice commands to search for movies, music, and TV shows and even control their playback options.

For example, a user might say, “Hey Google, play the latest episode of ‘The Crown’ on Netflix,” the smart device will do just that.

This has led to a surge in voice-controlled entertainment systems, such as smart TVs, music systems, and gaming consoles.

Moreover, voice search is also changing how users discover new entertainment options. Instead of scrolling through endless lists, users can now ask for recommendations based on their preferences.

This personalised entertainment experience makes voice search an integral part of the entertainment sector.

Voice Search in the Food Industry

Voice search is also making its mark in the food industry. Customers can now use voice commands to search for restaurants, read reviews, place orders, and even make reservations.

For instance, a customer might say, “Siri, find the best-rated Italian restaurant near me,” or “Alexa, order my usual from Domino’s.”

This has led to an increase in voice-activated food delivery and reservation systems, making it easier for customers to enjoy their favourite meals without the hassle of typing or scrolling.

Restaurants and food delivery services also leverage voice search to improve customer service. They’re integrating voice search capabilities into their systems to provide faster, more efficient service.

This enhances the customer experience and gives these businesses a competitive edge in the increasingly digital food industry.

In conclusion, voice search is revolutionising various industries, making interactions more convenient, personalised, and efficient.

As this technology continues to evolve, its impact on the retail, entertainment, and food industries is expected to grow even further.

Current Trends in Voice Search

The Rise of Smart Speakers

Smart speakers, such as Amazon Echo and Google Home, are becoming a staple in households across the globe.

These devices, powered by voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant, are driving the use of voice search to new heights.

These devices offer users the convenience of hands-free control over various tasks. Whether searching the web, playing music, setting reminders, or controlling smart home devices, smart speakers make it all possible with simple voice commands.

For instance, a user might say, “Alexa, play my workout playlist,” or “Hey Google, turn on the living room lights,” the smart speaker will carry out the command.

The popularity of these devices is a testament to the growing acceptance of voice search technology.

As more people become comfortable using voice commands daily, using smart speakers and voice search is expected to continue its upward trajectory.

Voice Search Integration in Cars

Another significant trend in the voice search landscape is its integration into cars. Many new cars now come equipped with voice-controlled infotainment systems, marking a significant shift in how drivers interact with their vehicles.

These systems allow drivers to use voice commands to control music, navigation, and other features. For example, a driver might say, “Play my favourite songs,” or “Navigate to the nearest petrol station,” and the system will respond accordingly.

This hands-free control is making driving safer by reducing distractions and more convenient by allowing drivers to perform tasks without taking their hands off the wheel.

As car manufacturers continue to innovate and integrate more advanced voice search capabilities into their vehicles, using voice commands while driving is set to become the norm rather than the exception.

Voice Search for Online Shopping

The use of voice search for online shopping is another trend that’s on the rise. More and more customers find it convenient to search for products, compare prices, and purchase using voice commands.

For instance, a customer might say, “Find me the best deals on winter coats,” or “Order a new pair of running shoes,” the voice assistant will carry out the task. This hands-free shopping experience particularly appeals to customers who value convenience and efficiency.

This trend will continue as more online retailers integrate voice search capabilities into their websites and apps. The future of online shopping could very well be voice-first, where customers can complete their entire shopping journey—from discovery to purchase—using just their voice.

Practical Tips for Voice Search Optimisation

Creating Conversational Content

Creating conversational content is a crucial strategy for optimising for voice search. This involves writing in a way that mirrors natural speech patterns, as voice search queries tend to be more conversational and question-based than traditional text-based searches.

One of the key ways to optimise voice search is to create conversational content. For instance, instead of writing “best Italian restaurant in London”, you might write “Where can I find the best Italian restaurant in London?”.

This mirrors how people speak and the type of queries they will likely use when conducting a voice search.

In addition to this, it’s also important to answer these questions directly and succinctly in your content. Voice search users typically look for quick, straightforward answers, so ensure your content provides this.

Using Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are another crucial aspect of voice search optimisation. These are longer, more specific phrases that people are more likely to use when speaking than typing.

For example, instead of “Italian restaurant”, a long-tail keyword might be “best Italian restaurant for pasta in London”.

These long-tail keywords are often more targeted, and while they may attract fewer searches, they tend to attract more relevant traffic and have a higher conversion rate.

When optimising voice search, conducting keyword research is important to understand the types of long-tail keywords your target audience uses. Then, incorporate these keywords naturally into your content.

Improving Content Formatting

Improving the formatting of your content can also significantly help with voice search optimisation. This includes using bullet points, headers, and short paragraphs to make your content easier to read and understand.

This improves the user experience and makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content.

In addition to this, using schema markup can also help improve voice search optimisation. Schema markup is a type of microdata that helps search engines understand your content better.

This can help your content appear in relevant voice search results and increase your chances of being chosen as the voice answers for a particular query.

In conclusion, creating conversational content, using long-tail keywords, and improving content formatting are all effective strategies for optimising for voice search. By implementing these strategies, businesses can improve their visibility in voice search results and reach more potential customers.

The Role of AI in Voice Search

AI plays a significant role in voice search and speech recognition.

Here are some key points from the search results:

  1. Speech recognition: AI technology allows computers and applications to understand human speech data. It analyses your voice and language, identifies the words you are saying, and then outputs those words with transcription accuracy as model content or text data on a screen (1).
  2. Role of AI in speech recognition: AI plays a pivotal role in speech recognition software. It equips conversational AI software with the necessary algorithms and technologies to respond instantly to voice commands accurately. Speech recognition AI assists the software in integrating the syntax, grammar, composition, and structure of voice commands (audio) (2).
  3. Improved accuracy: AI has improved voice recognition, making voice search more accurate. With the use of neural networks, voice assistants can recognise and understand natural language more effectively (3).
  4. Importance of critical phrases: Voice search is ushering in the importance of entire key phrases. This is similar to AI, as users aren’t just asking a word or two (4).
  5. E-commerce industry: The e-commerce industry will rely heavily on voice search and AI. People feel comfortable shopping around by asking their devices where to find specific items. Voice search and AI extend to search engines and shopping apps and can bring people the best results for their shopping experience (4).
  6. Bing AI: Bing AI is helping to enhance voice search accuracy by leveraging its natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and speech recognition capabilities. It also makes it easier for developers to create voice search experiences (5).

The Impact of Voice Search on Mobile Use

Voice search has a significant impact on mobile use. Here are some key points from the search results:

  1. Mobile app development: Voice search technology is responsible for mobile app development. It has immediate prospects, and developers focus on integrating voice search into their apps (1).
  2. Mobile voice search usage: Current statistics show that 41% of adults use voice search at least once daily on their mobile devices. In 2020, more than half of all smartphone users engaged with voice technology on their devices. Google’s voice search on mobile devices is now available in over 100 languages (2).
  3. SEO and voice search: Voice search is ushering in the importance of entire key phrases. This is similar to AI, as its users aren’t just asking a word or two. Voice search and AI extend to search engines and shopping apps and can bring people the best results for their shopping experience. By optimising both for your platform, you can make it easier for customers to purchase your products and ideally see increases in your (3).
  4. Mobile friendliness: Voice search is expanding the need for mobile friendliness. Websites and apps must be optimised for mobile devices to provide a seamless voice search experience (4).

The Main Privacy Concerns

The use of voice assistants raises several privacy concerns. Here are some key points from the search results:

  1. Voice data collection: Every voice assistant has inherent privacy issues because they collect biometric data like voice data. The data created by voice assistants is increasingly personal, and transparency and privacy are crucial. Companies need to be transparent with their users about what data they collect and how they use it (1).
  2. Voice assistants and spying: Voice assistants have been compared to the “Telescreen” from George Orwell’s dystopian classic, 1984. Concerns are those voice assistants may be spying on users and sharing their conversations with unknown third parties. However, companies like Amazon and Google supposedly put forth great efforts to anonymise the data they receive through their voice assistant software (2).

In Summary

In the face of the rapid rise of voice search, businesses must adapt or risk being left behind. The impact of voice search is already being felt across various industries, from retail and entertainment to the food industry.

The convenience and hands-free nature of voice search, driven by the increasing popularity of smart speakers and car integration, is changing how customers interact with businesses.

However, with the right strategies, businesses can turn this challenge into an opportunity. By creating conversational content, using long-tail keywords, and improving content formatting, businesses can optimise for voice search and attract more potential customers.

The future of voice search is here, and by embracing it, businesses can look forward to a future where they are more visible, more competitive, and more successful.

By understanding these changes and optimising for voice search, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and ensure they’re prepared for the future


How does voice search affect advertising strategies?

Voice search significantly impacts advertising strategies as it opens up new avenues for reaching consumers. Advertisers can now create voice-based ads that play on smart speakers or integrate with voice assistants. This requires a shift in strategy, focusing on creating engaging audio content that can effectively capture a listener’s attention.

Can voice search understand different accents and languages?

Yes, voice search technology has become increasingly sophisticated and we can now understand various accents and languages. Companies like Google and Amazon are continually improving their voice recognition systems to cater to a diverse global audience. However, it’s worth noting that voice recognition accuracy can still vary depending on the specific accent or language.

What is the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in voice search?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in voice search. AI processes natural language understands context, and learns from interactions to improve accuracy over time. This allows voice search devices to understand and respond to a wide range of voice commands, making them more useful and efficient for users.

About the Author

Des Dreckett

Des Dreckett is the eCommerce and growth Marketing Director of a writer, blogger and a paid media specialist.

Writing content to help you grow and build your business.

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