
In a world saturated with content, standing out in the crowd is becoming increasingly challenging for brands.

You’ve probably noticed your marketing efforts losing traction, and not reaching the engagement levels you’re aiming for, which can feel incredibly frustrating.

To make matters worse, the constant changes in consumer behaviour and technological advancements can make navigating the marketing landscape feel like a treacherous journey.

Now, imagine being able to cut through the noise and connect with your audience in a meaningful and engaging way.

Picture your brand telling its story through dynamic content, captivating audiences, and leaving a lasting impression.

That’s precisely where the magic of video marketing comes into play. In 2023, video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to communicate their message, attract attention, and stimulate engagement.

This article takes you through the current state of video marketing, its remarkable impact, and the trends shaping its future.

Key Statistics Highlighting the Popularity of Video Marketing

The Importance of Video Content for Marketers

In 2023, video content has become a crucial part of any marketing strategy. A study by NogenTech reveals that a whopping 91% of marketers utilise video content, underscoring its effectiveness and ubiquity (1).

The Increase in Online Video Consumption

Not only is the use of video content among marketers soaring, but the consumption of online video by consumers is also on the rise.

The amount of online video watched per week per person has almost doubled since 2018, indicating a strong trend towards visual, dynamic content.

Platforms Influencing Consumer Behavior

YouTube Surpasses Facebook

In an interesting turn of events, YouTube has leapfrogged Facebook, becoming the most influential platform affecting consumer behaviour in 2023.

This change underscores the rising power of video content in shaping consumer choices and preferences. 

YouTube’s success can be attributed to its video-centric nature, which has proven more engaging and impactful than the relatively text-heavy environment of Facebook.

Today, YouTube offers businesses an ideal platform for instructional content, product reviews, and influencer marketing, making it a powerful tool for companies considering whether a YouTube channel is right for their business.

YouTube offers a multi-sensory experience where users can see, hear, and feel the content, significantly increasing engagement levels.

Additionally, it provides an ideal platform for instructional content, product reviews, and influencer marketing, making it a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audiences.

The Emergence of Other Influential Platforms: Beyond YouTube

While YouTube is currently in the driver’s seat, it’s not the only platform that’s making waves in the video marketing space. 

Emerging platforms like TikTok and Instagram are carving their niche, demonstrating significant influence in shaping consumer behavior through video content.

TikTok, in particular, has seen a meteoric rise. Its short-form, viral video format has resonated with the younger demographic, turning it into a hotbed for trendsetting and influencer marketing. 

With TikTok’s innovative ‘For You’ page, businesses have the opportunity to reach new audiences organically, making it an excellent platform for those looking to drive eCommerce sales with TikTok video.

Similarly, Instagram, with its Stories and IGTV features, has cemented its place as a go-to platform for brand visibility and engagement.

On Instagram, marketers can utilise the Stories and IGTV features for greater visibility and engagement.

In light of Instagram’s recent tests with hashtags, this platform is set to offer even more targeted reach for video content.

The photo-sharing app’s move toward more video content reflects the industry-wide shift to video marketing and its importance in future digital strategies.

It’s clear that the landscape of influential platforms is continually evolving, mirroring the dynamic nature of video marketing itself. Marketers need to stay up-to-date with these changes and be ready to adapt their strategies accordingly.

While manually managing social media platforms is possible, using tools to automate your social media can help manage and optimise your video content effectively across different platforms.

Video Marketing Trends in 2023

The Dominance of Vertical Video

One trend shaping the video marketing landscape in 2023 is the rise of vertical video. Due to the proliferation of mobile devices, vertical videos, which fit naturally on smartphone screens, are being hailed as the future of advertising, signifying a notable shift in future trends in social media marketing in the UK.

The Benefits of Vertical Video

Vertical video offers a more immersive viewing experience on mobile devices, filling the screen and eliminating distracting black bars on the sides. 

This type of video content is increasingly being preferred by audiences, leading to better engagement rates.

The Adoption of Vertical Video by Advertisers

Recognising its potential, advertisers are increasingly adopting vertical video. It is seen as a must for any advertiser in 2023 to stay ahead in this fast-paced digital world.

Video Marketing’s ROI in 2023

Video marketing’s value extends beyond just engagement and impressions; it also provides a substantial return on investment (ROI). 92% of video marketers in 2023 affirm that video content offers them a good ROI, making it an invaluable part of their marketing strategies (5).

The Increase in Sales Attributed to Video Marketing

One of the main reasons video marketing provides a good ROI is due to its direct impact on sales. 80% of video marketers have stated that video has directly helped increase their sales.

The Consumers’ Preference for Video Content

Not only do marketers appreciate the video, but consumers do too. In fact, 60% of consumers have stated that they prefer video content over reading text (2).

Impact of Video Marketing on SEO

Video content plays an essential role in enhancing search engine optimisation (SEO). Videos increase the time spent by visitors on your site, positively affecting dwell time.

This longer interaction signals to search engines that your site has quality content. Not to mention, having a video on your landing page can significantly increase conversion rates.

Moreover, videos are more likely to get backlinks than plain text, improving your site’s authority and ranking. Google’s algorithms also prioritise pages with mixed types of content, including video.

As a result, video content can boost your site’s visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs) and increase organic traffic.

For businesses wondering how to get started with user-generated content, video marketing presents a unique opportunity.”

Predicted Trends: The Future of Video Marketing

As we look beyond 2023, several emerging trends hint at the future of video marketing. Live video streaming is one area expected to grow exponentially, as it offers real-time engagement with audiences.

Another trend is the rise of short, ephemeral video content, much like Instagram Stories or TikToks, offering bite-sized, engaging content.

Furthermore, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) offer exciting possibilities for immersive and interactive video experiences.

We can expect marketers to tap into these technologies to provide unique and personalised content.

Finally, the advent of 5G technology is expected to revolutionise video marketing by providing faster and more stable internet connections, thus supporting higher-quality video streaming and broader adoption of VR and AR content.

Best Practices for Video Marketing

Creating engaging video content is an art.

Here are a few best practices to follow:

  • Keep it short and sweet: With attention spans shrinking, shorter videos tend to perform better. A video length of 2 minutes or less is a good benchmark for most platforms.
  • Use captions and subtitles: As many viewers watch videos with sound off, especially on mobile devices, incorporating subtitles can increase engagement.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Every video should have a clear purpose. Whether it’s to visit your website, share the video, or purchase a product, make sure to include a compelling CTA.
  • Quality over quantity: Ensure your videos are high quality. Poor audio or video quality can deter viewers, regardless of the content.

The Role of Analytics in Video Marketing

Understanding your video performance is critical for optimising content and strategy. Key metrics to monitor include view count, play rate, social sharing, and audience retention.

View count helps gauge overall popularity, while the play rate indicates how compelling your video is to visitors. Moreover, YouTube provides detailed analytics, allowing marketers to target YouTube audiences more effectively.

High social sharing reflects a deeper level of audience engagement, and audience retention helps identify if viewers are watching the entire video or dropping off at a certain point.

Through detailed analytics, you can gain insights into what’s working and what’s not, helping you fine-tune your video marketing strategy for success.

Video Marketing Case Studies

Here are a few successful case studies from the last 5 years that highlight how certain brands have effectively used video marketing:

  1. Dollar Shave Club: The company created a humorous video that went viral, showcasing its subscription service for razors. The video helped the company gain over 12,000 new customers within 48 hours of its release (1).
  2. Airbnb: The company created a video campaign called “Live There” that showcased the experiences of travelers who stayed in Airbnb rentals. The video campaign helped the company increase its bookings by 25% (2).
  3. Nike: The company created a video campaign called “Breaking2” that documented the journey of three runners attempting to break the two-hour marathon barrier. The video campaign generated over 13 million views and helped Nike increase its brand awareness (3).
  4. Coca-Cola: The company created a video campaign called “Share a Coke” that featured personalised Coke bottles with people’s names on them. The video campaign helped the company increase its sales by 2.5% (1).
  5. GoPro: The company created a video campaign called “Be a Hero” that showcased the capabilities of its action cameras. The video campaign helped the company increase its sales by 50% (1).

These case studies demonstrate the power of video marketing in increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and boosting sales.

Tips and Strategies

Here are some actionable tips and strategies that businesses can use in their video marketing efforts:

  • Define your target audience and create videos that speak to their interests and needs.
  • Set clear campaign goals and metrics to measure success.
  • Stay on brand and ensure that your message is consistent across all videos.
  • Use storytelling to create emotional connections with your audience.
  • Keep your videos short and engaging, with a clear call to action.
  • Optimise your videos for search engines by using relevant keywords and tags.
  • Leverage social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to reach a wider audience.
  • Use video analytics to track engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Collaborate with influencers or other brands to increase your reach and credibility.
  • Experiment with different types of videos, such as product demos, how-to guides, and customer testimonials.

By following these tips and strategies, businesses can create effective video marketing campaigns that engage their target audience and drive results.

In Summary

Video marketing in 2023 is a formidable force in the digital marketing sphere. As video content continues to dominate consumer preferences, marketers must adapt and incorporate it into their strategies.

The rise of platforms like YouTube, the surge in video consumption, and emerging trends like vertical videos and augmented reality demonstrate the dynamic and exciting nature of video marketing.

The statistics speak volumes about the impressive ROI and conversion rates that video marketing offers. Furthermore, video content significantly enhances SEO, contributing to increased visibility and organic traffic.

The future of video marketing looks promising, with new technologies and consumer behaviours continually shaping its evolution.

By following best practices and utilising analytics for optimisation, brands can harness the power of video marketing to connect with their audiences, narrate their stories, and ultimately, drive growth and success.


How can I make my video content more engaging?

To make your video content more engaging, consider including storytelling elements. Humans are naturally drawn to stories, so weaving your message into a narrative can captivate your audience’s attention. Additionally, using visually appealing graphics and animations, interactive elements (like polls or quizzes), and strong call-to-actions can enhance engagement.

What type of video content works best for my brand?

The type of video content that works best depends on your brand and your audience. However, some common successful formats include explainer videos (great for illustrating how a product or service works), testimonial videos (to build trust), tutorial or how-to videos (providing value to your audience), and behind-the-scenes videos (to show the human side of your brand). The key is to understand what your audience values and to provide content that aligns with those interests.

Is it necessary to have professional-quality videos for successful video marketing?

While having high-quality, professional videos can certainly help, they are not always necessary for successful video marketing. In fact, “authentic” videos that show real people and real situations often resonate more with audiences. Especially for social media platforms, users value relatability and authenticity over high production value. The most important aspect is that the video content is valuable, engaging, and aligns with your brand message.

About the Author

Des Dreckett

Des Dreckett is the eCommerce and growth Marketing Director of XenMediamarketing.co.uk: a writer, blogger and a paid media specialist.

Writing content to help you grow and build your business.

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